Feb 3, 2009

Two steps forward, One step back....

Well, Davis did not have the greatest evening that he could've had. He spent a lot of time tonight trying to ween off of his blood pressure medication and off of the jet ventilator and the oxygen, but no dice tonight. He did not do well after a while. I guess they will stay stable for a while, continue to check his blood gasses and try again. We are still proud of our little fighter, and although he is very sensitive to noise and movement and all, I believe soon that his blood pressure will level out soon. We are really scared of the possibility of going on ECMO. If he doesn't behave soon....

Medicine is such a strange practice. I am used to thinking that everything has it's own very defined rules and boundaries and laws. If a, then b and so on, but in medicine it is so different. It feels like the "rules" are not straight lines at all but very curvy ones. If a, then b or maybe c and it could even be d but we still don't want to rule out e as a factor (and so on)......  It is exhausting to see these minor adjustments all day. You really do lose sight of the progress he has already made and the goal and everything. Bad days are hard so I hope to tell you that tomorrow was a good one..



*super dude and super dog* said...

Remember Dr. Benjamin's advice--Don't lose sight of the forest for the trees. It's all baby steps, on Davis's time. This was possibly THE hardest thing for us to accept. You both are doing a GREAT job and I know Davis feels your love and presence. Keep it up!

Elizabeth said...

With these babes there is no set pattern either - they all are so unique. Anything they learned in medical school - they throw it out the window on CDH babes! ;-)

Also - concentrate on the baby not the numbers.

With thoughts and prayers & Lung function chants for Davis,