This morning at 1:05 am Davis Michael Ashworth was born at Duke University Hospitals. It was a long process with very few contractions and finally the doctors decided to perform a cesarean. We heard five little cries (which is a good sign) and then the massive team that was on hand whisked him away to the room next door to stabilize him. He was immediately intubated and in a few hours the team in the NICU allowed me (dad) to go and visit with him. This is when the docs and nurses explained that he was doing great!!! He is now on what they refer to as minimal stimulation. He has a little sleep mask on and he has some Bose noise canceling headphones on as well. The team has Davis on a paralytic to keep his movement down to a minimum so he doesn't try to out breathe the machine the is gently inflating his lung. I know, this sounds like a lot but this is what we have been preparing for. This situation has to be taken day by day but today was a VERY good day. Davis is doing "remarkably well" and we are very proud of our little man. More to come soon after hours of sleep and healing for mommy.
Surgeon Appointment
1 year ago
I got on just to check on Mr. Davis. :-) SOOO Glad to hear that he is doing well. I am actually crying ( I blame that on my own anticipation and pregnancy horomones) :-) Continued prayers for you all.
That is excellent news! Enjoy the blessings one day at a time. Give momma and Davis a hug from us.
Brandon, Chris, and the munchkins.
i'm crying too, but it is so good to see little mr. davis!!!!!
much LuV
the other davis's
What great news and wonderful blessings. Keep us posted.
Love to all,
Linda, David & Scott
I have been checking all day waiting to hear and hopefully a picture. Davis you are absolutely a gorgeous, wonderful baby. Congratulations Mom & Dad, I am so glad to hear today was a good day and hope that is the news you get everyday until he is healed. Love to you all.
We're so happy to hear this ahppy news! Davis, you're so beautiful! Congratulations Mom and Dad! We send our love to all three of you.
Tommy and Teresa
Davis, you came when you were ready. You come from a strong line; "scrappers" and hard heads. I KNOW you can do it. I see that little fist.
Cries are good! And he is in excellent hands. Tell Mom to start controlling her pain now - manange it now so she can move around and she will heal much faster!
Keeping you all in my thoughts, prayers and Lung Function chants!
Our prayers and thoughts are with the three of you. We are close by to help anyway we can. Our girls send you their own "special love" that only a child can bring!
The Trefney's
He is so beautiful! I am happy to hear that he is doing good considering the circumstances.Davis will be in my prayers daily while he battle CDH.
Kick CDH booty Davis!!
mommy to Owain LCDH 1/25/08
He's gorgeous!!!
What great news on his condition. And cries..... That's so amazing!!!
We are praying faithfully and if you need anything just let us know!!!
See y'all tomorrow!
Welcome Davis! I'm so happy to hear he's doing well - keep it up sweet boy!
Jen Miller
Welcome to the wrld baby Davis!
hi i am friends with the Trefneys and they told me about the great news!!!!!!!!!
PS: we are thinking of him every day!!!!!!!!
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