Davis with cousin Katie and Uncle John

Family Photo outside Duke
Davis in the ICN Waiting Room...
Jes with Katie and Carter at the PRF Reunion
4 Miracle Babies and 1 Amazing Couple
This has been one busy weekend! We drove to Raleigh for the
Parker Reese Foundation reunion. We are so glad we went. It was amazing to see all the little miracle babies hanging out together, and even better to see the look on Jes' face when they were all in her lap. Parker's legacy is so evident in the lives of Davis, Bodee, Katie, Carter, and so many others.
Then, we made a stop by the Duke ICN to say a quick hello to Davis' nurses. We missed the Duke reunion so we knew we were in big trouble unless we brought Davis by for a visit. He got to say hi to Carolyn, Shanda, Lindsay, Heather, April, and a few others... we didn't get to see everybody, but we'll be back soon.
Lastly, we stopped by to stay the night with the Trefneys. Little Elizabeth and Katie (his cousins) were so excited to see him. They were so sweet, holding Davis and petting his head.
Now we are home sweet home and miss everyone already... but are so exhausted, we will surely sleep well tonight (as long as Davis does, that is)...